Appenzeller House Friend Speed-Dating
Find Your Soulmate - Appenzeller House Friend Speed-Dating
As a freshman in university, it can be challenging to make new friends. For many students, it is their first time away from home, and they may feel overwhelmed by the new environment. Making friends can also be difficult because everyone is busy with classes, homework, and other commitments. However, it's important to remember that everyone is in the same boat, and there are plenty of opportunities to meet new people. That is why Appenzeller Friend Speed-Dating is an event not to miss!
Appenzeller Friend Speed-Dating started in the first semester of 2021 during the COVID-19 outbreak. The initial idea was to help students, who were not able to meet in the dorms or during class, to talk to each other and make friends. Since then, it has been held every semester in 3 rounds. The event was suspended in the second semester of 2022, after COVID-19 regulations were lifted and students were allowed to attend classes offline. However, this semester, Appenzeller International House is bringing it back! How was it this time?
Once the students arrived to the assigned room, they weregiven instructions on how the event was going to run. The rules were simple: each participant had three minutes to talk to their partner, before switching pairs. RAs prepared a list ofice-breaking questions to make it easier for the participants to open up. The room was busy with talking and laughs soon after the Friend Speed-Dating began. Although there might have been some awkward silences, many participants shared positive feedback about the event. Appenzeller House is definitely keeping this one as a regular event!
By 아펜젤러하우스_다리아RAView 229