Find treasures in International campus
On March 6th, Allen house RC program, <Find treasures in International campus>, was held on Yonsei University's international campus. 30 students participated in this event, which was designed to help them explore the campus and make new friends. The program was set up as a treasure hunt, with students given a bingo board that contained riddles leading them to various locations on campus. Once they arrived at each location, they would take a selfie to prove that they had found the "treasure." As students explored the campus, they learned fun facts and historical information about Yonsei University. The students who participated in the event had a great time, and many of them commented on how much they enjoyed discovering new places on campus. Some even said that they would never have known about these places if it weren't for the program. Overall, the <Find treasures in International campus> event was a success, providing students with a fun and educational way to explore Yonsei's international campus.
By 알렌하우스_송준성RAView 245